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Beautiful, delicious eggs.

Ungraded farm eggs - 1 dozen.

Order are available for pickup at:

Hillcrest Market (Saturday 8 - 11am)

1 Allied Drive (Monday 10am - 1pm)

On Farm (by appointment)




Beautiful Eggs - 1 dozen

  • Egg Info

    Eggs may have a feather or a piece of straw on them.  We clean eggs that may have a bit of mud on them but try to keep the natural bloom intact.

    Eggs should be refrigerated for longevity.  They're magic and will last for months that way.

    All our eggs come from ladies that we raised from chicks.  They grew up with lots of room to roam and plenty of room to entertain themselves. They love watermelon and tomatoes.

    The color of the eggshell is determined by the breed of chicken.  We have Speckled Sussex, Black Star, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Red Stars and New Hampshire hens.  They all lay a pale brown egg.  We also have Whiting True Blues and Greens, Americaunas, Olive Eggers, Austra Whites and Barnevelders to add to the color palette.

Free Saturday Delivery to Little Rock & Conway w/ $25 Order
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